Scam Artists

I decided to write this post, because of a phone call I had with my Aunt this evening. I'll start by laying all the cards on the table of the situation.

  • My Aunt is on the sunset side of 60, and isn't the greatest with technology (though she can email, etc).
  • She owns a 2 year old MacBook

So, what happened?

Well, it started in the late afternoon, with three phone calls. When my Aunt answered the phone, there was no one on the other end of the line, and then a few seconds later, a recording saying "Thank you for you call".

The fourth call had an Indian sounding man on the line, who started by claiming that the company he worked for was receiving "Error Messages from your Microsoft Computer".

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Movies in 2010 and 2011

As with most of my blog posts, this one begins with the obligatory comment…

Wow, I haven't updated this in a while. I should really do this more often.

So here goes.

Thanks to a friend on twitter, I decided to work out how many films I've watched, both in the last year, and this year.

Now, because I'm coming to the ballgame late, I'm starting with a continually updated list of the films that I've watched this year.

The ongoing list can be found on my Movies Page, and if you want to see what I saw in 2010, check out my list on the Movies 2010 Page.

Also, if you'd like to make any suggestions for Movies that i should watch, drop a line in the comments.

Dear Interwebz

Dear Interwebz,

I don't care if you have an iPad, have fallen in love with your iPad, want to marry and have babies with your iPad…


And before you say "OOooo… You're just jealous that I have an iPad, and you don't."
No I'm not. I've used one, and DO think it is a really impressive machine.

I don't have an iPad cos I don't need one, want one or afford one.

I'd rather save up and get an iPhone 4GTS (or whatever it's going to be called), because that will be a much more useful tool for me.



My Idea for a WordPress Plugin

Ok, so I haven’t written for ages… I’ve been busy… Yadda-yadda-yadda.

So here’s the deal. I came up with an idea for a WordPress Plugin. So I did a search for it, and Nada. I’m actually really shocked.

It’s a relatively simple idea, you just take the ?????? and then replace it with ?????? and there you have it…
Oh wait my WordPress NDA Plugin blacked that out didn’t it…

Oh, and there goes another idea for a plugin…

Well never mind…

I’m seriously going to try and talk about this more that I’ve posted in the past.

My latest pet peeve -Twitiquette

TwitterMy latest pet peeve is something that has only begun to happen recently.

Being a relatively prolific twitterer, I have a tendency to acquire new followers fairly regularly. This generally isn’t an issue for me, and I welcome followers. However here is where my gripe arises. :/

More and more lately I’m finding that new followers think they need to send me a DM to say hi, and welcome me to their Twitter stream. So, ok… this may seem like a good idea, but it gets very impersonal… I mean, how personal is it to get a message like…

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Added OpenID Login for My Blog

This is just a quick throw it out there post (yes I know it’s been ages (I have part written a few other posts in the mean-time)).

I’ve just added the the functionality of RPX: Instant OpenID and Data Portability.
So what does that mean? It means that you can use an OpenID account, or another Third-Party login, such as Google or Yahoo, or Blogger, etc.

This allows you to use this as a Login, for either Admin purposes, or so someone can leave a comment on a post.

Hoping to post some more soon.

My Uni Blog

I’ve just created a secondary blog griffmiester @ swin.

Why did I do that? Well, the logic was, this is my random blog, and that is my everything related to my uni subjects blog.

I know that for one of my subjects It was suggested to keep a diary of what I’ve learnt when, because I need to explain all this when I submit my portfolio at the end of the semester. Another subject has it’s own blog that we are supposed to write comments on for questions/comments about the tutorials and lectures. I could include a link to a site, and I’d prefer it not to just be my random stuff.

So here I am, now trying to handle 2 blogs. I’m not even sure that I’ve gone about it the right way, as I’ve actually installed WordPress x2 to be able to do it… If there’s a better method, can someone drop me a line.
