Tag Archives: rant

It looks like the beard is staying

Well, as we progress to the end of October, so far I’ve only had 2 people donate to my Movember campaign. That’s a grand total of $63.50.

I’m actually sort of disappointed. But I’m sticking to what I said, so it looks like the beard stays.

Quite a few people have said to me, “Why don’t you just shave off your moustache, and leave the rest of the beard?”. I can’t it’s not the way Movember works. And I respect the Mo too much to bend the rules like that (also they wouldn’t allow me to get free burgers from Grill’d with more than a Mo).

One of my workmates has bluntly said to me “When are you going to shave that thing off your face? Don’t you want a girlfriend?”. Well yes I do want a girlfriend, but I have never shaved (or not shaved) for a girl before. And if I did, I can tell you, she would have made a serious impression on me. I never even shaved off my goatee for my fiancĂ© when I was engaged. But that’s another whole story that I’m not going into here.

So with only 6 days till my self imposed deadline, I am putting in one final plea.
If you want me to shave and do Movember, please donate through my profile (you can find it at http://g.rff.me/Movember).

