Tag Archives: Chicken Burger

Recognised at Monx (and another review)

Chicken Burger + Chips and a pot from Monx
I went to Monx again, but this time for Lunch. Being a Thursday, they have a special, you can get any of their Burgers with a drink for $11. So I ordered the Chicken Burger and a Pot of Coopers (there are limitations on what drink you can get).

I was waiting for it to come along, and was so I was typing up my last post. The guy that run’s the place came and brought me my burger (pictured half eaten) and said “I saw your blog post”… WHAT?!?

He disappeared again. Busy dealing with other meals for other customers.

I was stunned. How did he know I’d written a post previously about Monx?

The only pic of me on the site is that one up the top with the Blue/Green tint, me in sunnies and my Sennheiser HD465′s (which I seem to wear a lot BTW).

He came back and told me that he had done a Google Vanity Search to see what came up if he entered Monx into Google. And there was my Blog post. I must say that freaked me out a little. I mean really am I that recognisable from my banner photo?

Maybe i should pixelate it a bit. 😉

Any-who, getting back to the Burger, I can’t say it’s cheap at $11, but when a pot costs $4, at $7, it does a pretty good job. I really enjoyed the burger, chicken (grilled), avocado, caramelised onion, mayonnaise… The chips were a little dry, and I wouldn’t have minded some “Dead Horse” with them.

Would definitely get it again, or one of the other burgers (I think there were 4 or 5 in total).