Well, Stage ][ of changing ISP’s is under way.
I was wanting to port my home phone number across, and start over with Telstra (boo, hiss) as my Home phone… But, after being told that it was going to be a 2 month wait for Telstra to get the Block of Numbers that had my old home phone number in it ported across, sort of left me thinking… Nup. I’m not paying for another 2 months of connection with Letsgo.com.au. I mean would you pay an extra $40 a month to get the not quite same (no free local calls per month) service you’ve been getting for the last year. I didn’t think so.So this morning I took time off work, so I could be home during the 4 hours (from 8:00am till 12:00pm) when the Telstra Technician might turn up. He did turn up at 11:00am (only a 3 hour wait), and then it was all don and sorted within 15 mins. My next issue is that I need to wait for Telstra to update their database to show that my new number is activated, and then I can contact an ISP about getting ADSL2+ reconnected…And there goes another week in the life of my home Internet account. Well except for using my measly 20mb per month on my Mobile phone plan (which I’m stuck on for another ~16 months)*Sigh*